As most radio amateurs in the area are aware GB3GR has been off the air since before Christmas. The club recently received notification that Barry G8SAU has officially shut down GB3GR and no longer exists. The equipment has now been moved to his next project. The club would like to thank Barry for providing radio amateurs in the area with access to a 70cm repeater over the last years and wish him well in his future projects.
However, a new NOV for GB3GR has been applied for by Richard G0OJF as per
Proposal Summary:Â GB3GR
Applicant Name:  RICHARD SHIREBY, G0OJFStation Data: This is an ANALOGUE VOICE REPEATER application [CTCSS tone is 71.9 Hz]
70CMÂ TX Frequency requested is:Â 430.8500MHz
NOTE: Frequency is provisional until clearance has been obtained. (NEW)Proposed location: 5 km E (90deg) of GRANTHAM   [VIEW Proposed location]
[Note:Â Locations may be shown to an approximation in some cases for security reasons]Region:Â MIDLANDS
Applicant comments:
Previous Grantham repeater GB3GR discontinued & all equipment removed December 2018. The repeater had good coverage & was a good central meeting point for other South Kesteven Amateur Radio Society members, and of course open to use by any licensed amateurs. I have decided to totally finance brand new equipment for this project myself as a most worthwhile cause. The site owner (Tim Radley), who I have known for may years, has kindly said he’ll have the repeater on his site at little more than electricity cost. I worked as service manager in business two-way radio for about 20 years, and still do mail-order repairs, so have much experience & expertise in this kind of installation.
We look forward to the outcome of this application.