Great Saltee EU-103 1994

Saltee islands

Located off SE coast of Eire EU-103

The Saltee Islands (Irish: Na Sailtí [1] Yola: Mucha Zaultie & Lythea Zaultie) are a pair of small islands lying 5 kilometres off the southern coast of County Wexford in Ireland. The two islands are Great Saltee (89 hectares) and Little Saltee (37 hectares). They have been more of less unoccupied since the early 20th century. Both have been privately owned by the Neale family since 1943. Together the islands cover an area of 1.2 square kilometers.
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Left to right standing

Alan G0RCI, John G7JGI, Colin G1JME, Pat G7KFW

Pete 2E1ALF, Mal G0ORP, Harry G7DEH

Left to right kneeling.

Jim 2E1AWI, Dave G4MQM, Doug G8PY

Here in the Welsh mountains, the van decided to drop a wheel bearing.We managed to limp to a lay bye where there was an AA phone. Help arrived within 20 minutes !

Well done the AA !

After a very harrowing trip through mountain roads at over 65mph(The van was carrying 1.5 tonnes of equipment),we arrived at a small garage where we acquired and fitted the new bearing before continuing on our way to the ferry port and EIRE.

Arriving at our departure point of Kilmore Quay in deepest Co.Wexford, we unloaded the van and proceeded to load it all onto the fishing vessel “West Island” (the smaller of the two ).The tide was ebbing and there was a drop of around 3 meters to the deck !

Our first view of Great Saltee Island.

Arriving 100 meters off the shore, we now had to unload all the equipment onto a small punt. Great fun with a two meter swell, trying to get the generators aboard !

The landing area was a small break in the rock strewn shore.

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